Tempe is a special food that is often underestimated. This is because not many people know about the privilege of tempeh. Whereas in tempe there are many nutrients that are good for health.Well, in this article I will discuss about the nutritional content and health benefits of tempeh for.Nutritional content TempeTempe is made from fermented soy beans with mushrooms Rhizopus oligosporus. According to recent research, the nutritional content of tempe aligned with the nutrients contained in yogurt. Tempe is a source of vegetable protein. Containing dietary fiber, calcium, vitamin B and iron. The content of antibiotics and antioxidants in it to cure the infection and prevent degenerative diseases.In 100 grams of tempe contains 20.8 grams of protein, 8.8 grams fat,
1.4 grams fiber, 155 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 326 milligrams, 4
milligrams of iron, 0.19 milligrams of vitamin B1, carotene 34
micrograms.Tempe For Health BenefitsWell,
once you know what the content of the nutrients found in soybean then
you also need to know what are the benefits of tempeh for health. Here are some benefits of tempeh.

1. Sources of Protein
Tempe is a source of high protein content of about 18 types of proteins and amino acids that are easily digested. It is suitable for those who undergo weight loss such as diet and bodybuilding athletes and fitness mania.
2. Lowers Heart Attack Risk
Neutralize the negative effects of bad cholesterol because it contains polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), niacin, omega 3 and 6 so as to reduce the risk of heart attack (coronary).
3. Source of Vitamins
Source of vitamins (especially vitamin B) is very useful for red blood cell metabolism, healthy skin and muscle (muscle tone), boost immunity and nervous system function, increase growth hormone, and prevent anemia and cancer pankreas.
4. Counteract Free Radicals
As free-radical scavengers prevent degenerative diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and others) and various types of cancer (pancreatic, prostate and breast) and prevent premature aging because it contains powerful antioxidants (three types of isoflavones).
5. Prevent Anemia
Consuming tempeh can prevent anemia due to a high content of various minerals and easily absorbed blood and prevent osteoporosis.
6. Prevent Diarrhea and Cholera
As antibiotics and antibacterial substances preventing infection with the bacterium E. coli causes diarrhea and cholera.
7. Fiber Food
A high-fiber that serves to control blood sugar levels making it suitable for diabetics.
8. Overcoming Poisoning
As an antidote to the antidote agent or anti heavy metal poisoning (cyanide) because it contains positive ions such as egg whites and milk.
9. Hypocholesterolemic
Tempe is hypocholesterolemic, lowering lipids or fats in the blood.
10. Prevent Stomach Bloating
Preventing the onset of symptoms of flatulence (bloated belly) is able to reduce the levels of raffinosa and stakiosa.
11. Good for All Ages
Easily digested by all age groups, from infancy to old age. Digestive enzymes will be produced by Rhizopus oligosporus (molds tempeh) during the fermentation process takes place, that's what makes tempe more comfortable in the stomach.
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