From thousands of years ago, humans have understood what it was agriculture. Farming and hunting can be said is the first known work by humans from ancient times. Starting from a nomadic farming evolved to become a modern agriculture. Does not stop here, modern agriculture developed into a modern organic farming. By farming, in terms of the basic human needs of food will be met. Because human beings are dynamic creatures. Always evolving as it has a brain. Along with these developments, the demand is also growing.
The reasons which led to the modern organic farming systems. If the first food needs only to overcome hunger and survival. Now to prolong survival. Surviving have narrow sense as merely temporary or transient sustainability means continuously. This is the concept underlying the development of agriculture from traditional to modern systems. How to keep farmers in addition to meet the food needs of today but also in future.
The term organic itself is still related to sustainability above. Where in order to survive, man must have better endurance than before. The word organic was introduced about 1940'an years ago, refers to materials that accompany the production of an agricultural system. That is, with as little as possible to include a chemical on the seed and process. Both the fertilizer and other measures. In general, modern organic farming can be achieved in the following way.

Diversification of crops in a farm. Several different plants will create some animals who had a supporting role on the sustainability of farming became interested. So there is no additional media for plants and soil fertile.Agriculture is conducted simultaneously with the breeding activity. There will be support from both of these activities. Where the land must be cultivated with natural materials, namely animal feces. These impurities must also be free of artificial chemicals, so it must be eaten on the grass grown, and so on.Cultivate the soil with manure, and planting grass as previously described earlier.
Currently, some plants that can be developed with modern organic farming system is still limited to horticulture or plant vegetables.