Milk is the best source of nutrition for newborn mammals. Milk is called a nearly perfect food for nutritional content complete. In addition to water, milk contains protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, enzymes, gas and vitamins A, C and D in adequate amounts. The benefits of milk is the result of the interaction of molecules-molukel contained therein.
Because the milk is recommended for all people. For the development of the figure of a child, drinking milk is a source of calcium. Because it used to drink milk, is important. For toddlers ages 0 months to 2 years, drinking mother's milk (ASI) is the most good. If you can not until the second year, a minimum of infants breastfed exclusively up to six months, without other complementary foods.
After the age of 1 year and above, the child may be given other milk is pasteurized milk, sweetened condensed milk, milk powder, conventional sterilization milk, and milk Ultra High Temperature (UHT). Milk pasteurization milk is heat-treated around 72-75 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds in order to kill pathogenic bacteria. Pasteurized milk should be stored at low temperature (5-6 degrees Celsius) and has a shelf life of only about 14 days.
Fresh milk is a liquid derived from goat / cow healthy and clean obtained by proper milking the natural content is not reduced or added anything and has not received any treatment (SNI 01-3141-1998). In practice very little chance of us to eat fresh milk SNI definitions mentioned above. Generally, the milk is consumed is dairy products in liquid form (milk pasteurization, UHT milk) and milk powder.
Milk pasteurization milk is heat-treated around 63- 72 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds in order to kill pathogenic bacteria. Pasteurized milk should be stored at low temperature (5-6 degrees Celsius) and has a shelf life of only about 14 days.
Milk powder, fresh milk comes either with or without recombining with other substances such as fat or protein is then dried. Generally, the drying is done by using a spray dryer or roller drayer. Maximum milk powder shelf life is 2 years with good handling and correct. Milk powder can be classified into three types of fat powdered milk (full cream milk prowder), low-fat milk powder (partly skim milk powder) and powdered nonfat milk (skim milk prowder) (SNI 01-2970- 1999).
Milk UHT (ultra high temperature) milk that is processed using heat and high temperatures in a short time (135-145 degrees Celsius) for 2-5 seconds (Amanatidis, 2002). Heating with high temperature aims to kill all microorganisms (both spoilage and pathogenic) and spores. A short warm-up time is intended to prevent damage to the nutritional value of milk and to get the color, aroma and taste relatively unchanged as fresh milk.
UHT Milk ProcessFresh liquid UHT milk made from fresh liquid milk is processed using heat and high temperatures in a very short time to kill all the microbes, so it has a very good quality. As a whole the determining factor for the quality of UHT milk is raw materials, processing and packaging.The raw material liquid UHT milk is fresh milk that has a high quality, especially in nutrient composition. This is supported by pre-harvest treatment to integrated post-harvest. Cow feed should be set for good quality and contain nutrients adequate, free of antibiotics and other toxic materials. Thus, the dairy cow will produce milk with a composition of good nutrition. Quality of fresh milk must also be backed by proper milking ways including the prevention of physical and microbiological contamination of the milker sanitation and sanitation workers. Fresh milk should be milked diberli cold treatment, including transportation of milk to the factory.
Processing plant for converting fresh milk to UHT milk must also be carried out with maximum sanitation is by using the tools sterile and minimize contact with the hand. The entire process is conducted aseptically.
UHT milk hygienically packed using aseptic packaging multilapis technologically advanced, multilapis Packaging is airtight so the bacteria was not able to enter into it. Because the destruction of bacteria-free drinks, UHT milk was fresh and safe for consumption. In addition multilapis packaging UHT milk is also resistant to ultraviolet light so that the light will not be able to penetrate with sheltered from ultraviolet light, the freshness of UHT milk will remain intact. Each multilapis aseptic packaging UHT sterilized one by one automatically before it is filled with milk. The process is done almost automatically without any human intervention so as to guarantee a product that is very hygienic and meets international health standards.

Thus the UHT technology and aseptic packaging UHT milk multilapis guarantee bacteria free and durable and require no preservatives and do not need to be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 months after production.
UHT milk excellenceAdvantages of UHT milk is a very long shelf on the spur of rooms are reached 6-10 months without preservatives and does not need to be put into the refrigerator. This time period is longer than the shelf life of liquid milk products such as pasteurized milk. Besides UHT milk is milk that is very hygienic because it is free of all microbes (pathogens / causes of disease and decay) and spores so that potential microbiological damage was very minimal, almost nonexistent. contact heatvery short on quality of UHT cause sensory (color, aroma and flavor typical of fresh milk) and quality of nutrients, relatively unchanged.
Liquid milk processing sterilization techniques or processing into milk powder influence on the quality of sensory and nutritional quality of vitamins and proteins. Processing of fresh liquid milk to UHT milk is very little effect on protein damage. On the other hand, protein damage by 30 percent occur in the processing of liquid milk into milk powder.
Damage to proteins in milk processing may be the formation of brown pigment (melanoidin) from the reaction Mallard. Mallard reaction is non-enzymatic browning reaction that occurs between the sugar and milk proteins due to the heating process which takes place in a long time as the process of making milk powder. The browning reaction causes decreased protein digestibility.The process of heating milk to high temperatures in a long time can also cause racemization of amino acids that change the configuration of the amino acid L-shape to form D. The human body generally can only use amino acids in the form of L. Thus the process of racemization is very detrimental from the standpoint of the biological availability of the amino acids in the body.Browning reaction (Mallard) and amino acid racemization have an impact on the declining availability of lysine in dairy products. Decreased availability of lysine in UHT milk is relatively small at only 0-2 per cent. Decline in milk powder can achieve 5-10 percent.
Tip Use of UHT milkIf the UHT milk packaging has been opened, then the milk must be stored in the refrigerator. UHT milk should be avoided from storage at high temperatures (above 50 degrees Celsius) could occur gelation namely gelation due to protein damage.
Damage UHT milk is easily detected visually, the main characteristic common is bulging packaging. Gembungnya packaging occurs due to leakage of the packaging that allows microbes to grow and ferment milk penbusuk. Fermented milk by microbial spoilage produces CO2 gas that causes bloat.
Damage was also marked by the emergence of smell and taste sour. In addition to producing gas, the activity of fermentation by spoilage microbes also produce alcohols and organic acids that causes milk to sour berflavor and flavorful.
Avoid consuming UHT milk that has thickened. Fermented milk by spoilage bacteria also spoilage also causes coagulation and protein breakdown due to a decrease in pH by organic acids. Coagulation and protein breakdown that causes the texture of the milk that is to be broken and damaged slightly thickened.
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