Nutrition and Benefits of Mango

Mangoes or mango is a fruit that is very popular in Indonesia. Mangoes including type of fruit that has many varieties because it is now cultivated. Several varieties of mango seed is among Mango Cotton Candy, Gedong, Puppet, and Manalagi

Function of Nutrition for Microorganisms

Each nutrients has its own role in cell physiology. The elements given to the medium as inorganic salt cations whose numbers different depending on the needs.

Milk Protein

Proteins are chains of amino acid molecules through a peptide bond. There are many types of proteins and each has a specific amino acid sequence. There are 22 types of amino acids that can combine to form protein chains.

Microbiology and Biochemistry of Tape

A. Rouxii mold can hydrolyze starch into sugars. All existing sugar is sugar reduction. A. rouxii also produces alcohol up to 0.92% after 45 hours of fermentation. The use of mixed cultures of A. rouxii and S. fibuliger produce a tape with a higher alcohol content but lower sugar content and do not have a strong aroma tape.

Nutrient and Benefits of Tempe for Healthy

empe is a special food that is often underestimated. This is because not many people know about the privilege of tempeh. Whereas in tempe there are many nutrients that are good for health.Well, in this article I will discuss about the nutritional content and health benefits of tempeh for

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

UHT Milk Processing

Milk is the best source of nutrition for newborn mammals. Milk is called a nearly perfect food for nutritional content complete. In addition to water, milk contains protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, enzymes, gas and vitamins A, C and D in adequate amounts. The benefits of milk is the result of the interaction of molecules-molukel contained therein.

Because the milk is recommended for all people. For the development of the figure of a child, drinking milk is a source of calcium. Because it used to drink milk, is important. For toddlers ages 0 months to 2 years, drinking mother's milk (ASI) is the most good. If you can not until the second year, a minimum of infants breastfed exclusively up to six months, without other complementary foods.

After the age of 1 year and above, the child may be given other milk is pasteurized milk, sweetened condensed milk, milk powder, conventional sterilization milk, and milk Ultra High Temperature (UHT). Milk pasteurization milk is heat-treated around 72-75 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds in order to kill pathogenic bacteria. Pasteurized milk should be stored at low temperature (5-6 degrees Celsius) and has a shelf life of only about 14 days.

Fresh milk is a liquid derived from goat / cow healthy and clean obtained by proper milking the natural content is not reduced or added anything and has not received any treatment (SNI 01-3141-1998). In practice very little chance of us to eat fresh milk SNI definitions mentioned above. Generally, the milk is consumed is dairy products in liquid form (milk pasteurization, UHT milk) and milk powder.

Milk pasteurization milk is heat-treated around 63- 72 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds in order to kill pathogenic bacteria. Pasteurized milk should be stored at low temperature (5-6 degrees Celsius) and has a shelf life of only about 14 days.

Milk powder, fresh milk comes either with or without recombining with other substances such as fat or protein is then dried. Generally, the drying is done by using a spray dryer or roller drayer. Maximum milk powder shelf life is 2 years with good handling and correct. Milk powder can be classified into three types of fat powdered milk (full cream milk prowder), low-fat milk powder (partly skim milk powder) and powdered nonfat milk (skim milk prowder) (SNI 01-2970- 1999).

Milk UHT (ultra high temperature) milk that is processed using heat and high temperatures in a short time (135-145 degrees Celsius) for 2-5 seconds (Amanatidis, 2002). Heating with high temperature aims to kill all microorganisms (both spoilage and pathogenic) and spores. A short warm-up time is intended to prevent damage to the nutritional value of milk and to get the color, aroma and taste relatively unchanged as fresh milk.

UHT Milk ProcessFresh liquid UHT milk made from fresh liquid milk is processed using heat and high temperatures in a very short time to kill all the microbes, so it has a very good quality. As a whole the determining factor for the quality of UHT milk is raw materials, processing and packaging.The raw material liquid UHT milk is fresh milk that has a high quality, especially in nutrient composition. This is supported by pre-harvest treatment to integrated post-harvest. Cow feed should be set for good quality and contain nutrients adequate, free of antibiotics and other toxic materials. Thus, the dairy cow will produce milk with a composition of good nutrition. Quality of fresh milk must also be backed by proper milking ways including the prevention of physical and microbiological contamination of the milker sanitation and sanitation workers. Fresh milk should be milked diberli cold treatment, including transportation of milk to the factory.

Processing plant for converting fresh milk to UHT milk must also be carried out with maximum sanitation is by using the tools sterile and minimize contact with the hand. The entire process is conducted aseptically.

UHT milk hygienically packed using aseptic packaging multilapis technologically advanced, multilapis Packaging is airtight so the bacteria was not able to enter into it. Because the destruction of bacteria-free drinks, UHT milk was fresh and safe for consumption. In addition multilapis packaging UHT milk is also resistant to ultraviolet light so that the light will not be able to penetrate with sheltered from ultraviolet light, the freshness of UHT milk will remain intact. Each multilapis aseptic packaging UHT sterilized one by one automatically before it is filled with milk. The process is done almost automatically without any human intervention so as to guarantee a product that is very hygienic and meets international health standards.

Thus the UHT technology and aseptic packaging UHT milk multilapis guarantee bacteria free and durable and require no preservatives and do not need to be stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 months after production.

UHT milk excellenceAdvantages of UHT milk is a very long shelf on the spur of rooms are reached 6-10 months without preservatives and does not need to be put into the refrigerator. This time period is longer than the shelf life of liquid milk products such as pasteurized milk. Besides UHT milk is milk that is very hygienic because it is free of all microbes (pathogens / causes of disease and decay) and spores so that potential microbiological damage was very minimal, almost nonexistent. contact heatvery short on quality of UHT cause sensory (color, aroma and flavor typical of fresh milk) and quality of nutrients, relatively unchanged.

Liquid milk processing sterilization techniques or processing into milk powder influence on the quality of sensory and nutritional quality of vitamins and proteins. Processing of fresh liquid milk to UHT milk is very little effect on protein damage. On the other hand, protein damage by 30 percent occur in the processing of liquid milk into milk powder.

Damage to proteins in milk processing may be the formation of brown pigment (melanoidin) from the reaction Mallard. Mallard reaction is non-enzymatic browning reaction that occurs between the sugar and milk proteins due to the heating process which takes place in a long time as the process of making milk powder. The browning reaction causes decreased protein digestibility.The process of heating milk to high temperatures in a long time can also cause racemization of amino acids that change the configuration of the amino acid L-shape to form D. The human body generally can only use amino acids in the form of L. Thus the process of racemization is very detrimental from the standpoint of the biological availability of the amino acids in the body.Browning reaction (Mallard) and amino acid racemization have an impact on the declining availability of lysine in dairy products. Decreased availability of lysine in UHT milk is relatively small at only 0-2 per cent. Decline in milk powder can achieve 5-10 percent.

Tip Use of UHT milkIf the UHT milk packaging has been opened, then the milk must be stored in the refrigerator. UHT milk should be avoided from storage at high temperatures (above 50 degrees Celsius) could occur gelation namely gelation due to protein damage.

Damage UHT milk is easily detected visually, the main characteristic common is bulging packaging. Gembungnya packaging occurs due to leakage of the packaging that allows microbes to grow and ferment milk penbusuk. Fermented milk by microbial spoilage produces CO2 gas that causes bloat.

Damage was also marked by the emergence of smell and taste sour. In addition to producing gas, the activity of fermentation by spoilage microbes also produce alcohols and organic acids that causes milk to sour berflavor and flavorful.

Avoid consuming UHT milk that has thickened. Fermented milk by spoilage bacteria also spoilage also causes coagulation and protein breakdown due to a decrease in pH by organic acids. Coagulation and protein breakdown that causes the texture of the milk that is to be broken and damaged slightly thickened.

Processing of Milk

Cow's milk is a perishable foodstuff. Therefore, should receive special treatment. Here is the processing of milk:

1. After obtaining the results dairy cow, milking results immediately bring the milk to the milk room, and then filtered. Screening should be done immediately to avoid to avoid germs that landed on the dirt in the milk gets a chance to breed more 

2. Once filtered, there was a dosage if you want to know the number of production 

3. Then dairy cow results of some cows are mixed slowly until it becomes a homogenous mixture of milk 

4. Furthermore, milk is poured into a cooling device. For the necessary cooling temperature of 10-15 decel for 2-3 hours. Cooling milk aims to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cow's milk can last a long time. Or you can also perform prior to pasteurization of milk supplied to the cooling device, so that if there are organisms or bacteria that could merigikan die

5. Simply put, cooling can be done by placing bottles of milk or milk that has been in the pack in a plastic bag, then put into a bath containing ice. While pasteurization can simply be done by boiling milk on the stove at a temperature of 74 decel for 6 minutes

6. After cooling / pasteurization is complete, the milk may be incorporated into the boto-bottle to be sent to the consumer.Information:Cow's milk is not passed the stage of pasteurization and refrigeration or directly inserted into the bottle, the quality of the milk will be easily damaged or broken

Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

Nutrition and Benefits of Mango

Mangoes or mango is a fruit that is very popular in Indonesia. Mangoes including type of fruit that has many varieties because it is now cultivated. Several varieties of mango seed is among Mango Cotton Candy, Gedong, Puppet, and Manalagi. Mangoes consumed with how to eat the ripe fruit immediately. However there is also the use of mango fruit salad as well as juicing. There also are making it as a salad ingredient for mango paste mengkal (still young). In addition to possess a sweet taste and refreshing, it turns mango fruit contains many nutrients that are beneficial to health. The fruit is also rich in vitamin E and is believed to contain aphrodisiac, which is a material that can serve to increase libido or sex drive. Here are 9 health benefits of mangoes:
Anti Cancer

Anti-cancerogenic and prevent breast cancer, colon and prostate. Antioxidant compounds present in mango fruit has been found to protect against colon cancer, breast, leukemia and prostate.

Lowering Cholesterol

Mangoes are rich in prebiotic dietary fiber. A high level of fiber, pectin and vitamin C helps to lower serum cholesterol levels, especially Low-Density Lipoprotein (bad cholesterol).

Maintaining Eye Health

Mango fruit is a good source of vitamins A and flavonoids like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin. Vitamin A helps good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin.

Low Glycemic Index

Glycemic Index Values ​​mango is 51, which is classified in the low category. So, mango does not have a very significant effect in raising your blood sugar levels, so the fruit is quite safe for diabetics, of course in a reasonable amount.

Cleaning the Skin

Forget the myth that eating mangoes can be caused acne! Mangoes can actually act as a skin cleanser, to clean the clogged pores and eliminate acne.

Increase Libido

Manga is a source of vitamin E, which helps regulate hormones and increase libido s3ks.

Healthy Digestion

Mangoes contain enzymes to destroy the protein. Fiber in mango also helps digestion and elimination of acid.

Nutrition and Benefits of Pineapple Fruit for Health

Pineapple or pineapple is a kind of tropical plant originally from Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Pineapple has the Latin name Ananas comosus and included in the family Bromeliaceae. Pineapple has a very distinctive aroma and sharp with a mixture of sour and sweet taste but very refreshing because the water content is high enough. Besides consumed in the normal way, pineapple are also processed into foods such as pineapple juice, candy, until the pineapple chips. Besides useful as a food ingredient, pineapple is also often used as a treatment alternative and beauty treatments. This is because pineapple contains many nutrients and compounds that the body needs.

Pineapple Fruit Benefits for Health

Not only good to eat, pineapple is also beneficial for the health of our bodies. Here are some of the properties of pineapple for health.

Lowering Blood Pressure

Thanks to contain potassium, helpful pineapple helps control high blood pressure. The fiber is able to prevent the absorption of fat in the gastrointestinal tract so there is no accumulation in the arteries that can lead to increased blood pressure.

Lose Weight

Proteiolitik enzyme in pineapple fat absorption in the digestive tract to wasted with feces. In addition, vitamin C is also intensified the process of burning fat so it does not accumulate in the body.

Treating Gout

The enzyme bromelain and potassium content makes the pineapple is a diuretic which is effective in helping to overcome the problem of uric acid. However, do not eat pineapple is too ripe because the alcohol content will result in increased levels of uric acid.

Overcome Indigestion

Fiber and vitamin C in pineapple can help constipation and inhibiting the absorption of fat is then excreted out of the body. Oh yes, the protease enzyme capable of digesting protein bromelainnya.

Overcome Flatulence

Pineapple contains bromelain, a substance that can help break down food so it can reduce bloating in the stomach. In addition bromelain also efetif to reduce inflammation after surgery, to treat swelling of the nose while experiencing sinusitis infection and reduce pain from oesteoarthritis.

Strengthen Bones

Pineapple is also one of the popular fruit to help strengthen bones. The content of manganese in it needed to form bone structure to be more solid. You can earn 73% of the manganese in pineapple consume in a day.

Prevent Coughs Due to Colds and Fever

Because vitamin C is high enough, pineapples can help fight the virus that causes the flu. Even if you're suffering from the flu is to effectively utilize the pineapple as a natural remedy. Bromelain in pineapple that helps launch cough sputum so speedy recovery.

Maintaining Healthy Teeth

Efficacy pineapple can maintain healthy teeth, because pineapple contains vitamin C which helps prevent dental plaque also gum disease.

Overcoming Constipation

Constipation can be caused due to lack of fibrous food. Foods containing fiber can be fruits, one of which is the pineapple. The trick, drink pineapple juice. Choose fruit that is not too ripe pineapple. Choose a pineapple fruit still sour.

Strengthens the Immune

The benefits of pineapple on this one source of essential amino acids and non-essential in the fruit's bright yellow. Both of these compounds have long known potent strengthens immunity and helps the body overcome fatigue.

Maintain Healthy Skin
Pineapple can be used to treat skin inflammation problems. Way, take half of the pineapple is ripe. Peel the skin and scar. Usufruct grated pineapple to rub the skin peeling and flaking. Do this activity at night before bed. The next day, freshly washed.

Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Microbial Biotechnology

Soil is the habitat of a very rich diversity of microorganisms such as bacteria, aktinomicetes, fungi, protozoa, algae and viruses. Soil-fertile agricultural land contains more than 100 million microbes per gram of soil. Productivity and carrying capacity of the land depends on the activity of these microbes. Most of the soil microbes have a role favorable for agriculture. Among other soil microbes play a role in degrading organic waste agriculture, re-cycling plant nutrients, biological fixation of nitrogen from the air, dissolving phosphate, stimulating the growth of plants, biocontrol of plant pathogens, helps absorption of plant nutrients, and establish mutually beneficial symbiosis. Soil-based microbial biotechnology developed by utilizing their important role that soil microbes.

Bioactive Compost Technology 

One of the fundamental problems that are often encountered when applying organic farming is soil organic matter content and low soil nutrient status. Organic farmers overcome these problems by providing green manure or manure. Green manure and manure actually is organic waste that has been destroying so it becomes more available to plants. Organic waste such as leaf litter, litter, dirt farm animals can not be directly attributed to the plant. Organic waste should be destroyed / composted in advance by soil microbes into nutrients that can be absorbed by plants. Naturally the composting process takes a very long time, ranging from six months to a year until the organic materials are actually available to plants.Organic waste destruction process can be accelerated by using microbial crusher (decomposers), which has a high ability. The use of this crusher microbes can shorten the decomposition process of several months to a few weeks. On the market today are many available products biodekomposer to accelerate the composting process, for example: SuperDec, OrgaDec, EM4, EM Lestari, Starbio, Degra Simba, stardec, and others.

Dr. Didiek H Goenadi, Executive Director of the Indonesian Forestry Research Institute, defines the bioactive compost as compost produced with the help of microbes lignoselulolitik superior who remain in the compost and act as biological control agents of plant diseases. SuperDec and OrgaDec, biodekomposer products developed by Biotechnology Research Institute of Plantation Indonesia (IBRIEC), developed based on this philosophy. Microbes excel biodekomposer used is Trichoderman pseudokoningii, Cytopaga sp, and white rot fungi. The microbe is able to accelerate the composting process to around 2-3 weeks. Microbes remain alive and active in the compost. When the compost is applied to the soil, the microbes will act to control microbial pathogens cause plant diseases.Advantages of using bioactive compost for organic farming in addition to accelerate the composting time and provide high-quality compost, also serves as a biological agent to control plant diseases, especially diseases that attack from the ground. Concerns of organic farmers would plant is vulnerable to disease can be overcome by using bioactive compost.


Organic farmers are very allergic to chemical fertilizers or other synthetic fertilizers. To meet the nutrient needs of plants, organic farmers generally rely on compost as the main source of plant nutrition. Unfortunately the low nutrient content of the compost. Compost ripe haranya content of approximately: 1.69% N, 0:34% P2O5 and 2.81% K. In other words hundred kilograms of compost equivalent to 1.69 kg Urea, SP 36 kg 0:34, and 2:18 kg KCl. For example to cultivate rice which needs haranya kg Urea / ha, SP 36 kg / ha and kg KCl / ha, then the compost is needed of approximately tons of compost / ha. Such a large amount of compost requires more labor and implies also the cost of production.Many soil microbes that play a role in the provision of maupaun absorption of nutrients for plants. Three essential plant nutrients, namely nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and potassium (K) all involved a soil microbial activity. Hara N is actually abundant in the air. Approximately 74% air content is N. However, N air can not be directly absorbed by the plant. None of the plants that can absorb N from the air. N must be fixed / tethered by soil microbes and transformed to become available to plants. N fastening microbes there are symbiotic with plants and some are living freely around the plant roots. N fastening microbes symbiotic among others: Rhizobium sp. Rhizobium sp living in root nodules of legumes (leguminose). N fastening microbes non-symbiotic example: Azospirillum and Azotobacter sp sp. N fastening symbiotic microbes can only be used for crops leguminose only, while non-symbiotic N fastening microbes can be used for all types of plants.

Other soil microbes that play a role in the provision of plant nutrients are microbes solvent phosphate (P) and potassium (K). Soils that old fertilizer superphosphate (TSP / SP 36) generally P content was high enough (saturated). However, this bit of P / not available for plants, because it is bound to clay minerals soluble. This is where the role of microbial solvents P. These microbes will break the bonds P of mineral clay and make them available to plants. Many microbes are capable of dissolving P, among others: Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp, Zerowilia lipolitika, Pseudomonas sp ..., ............ Microbial highly capable of dissolving P, generally also highly skilled in dissolving K.Other microbial groups that also play a role in uptake of P is Mycorrhiza. There are at least two types of mycorrhizae are often used for biofertilizer, namely: ectomycorrhiza and endomikoriza. Ectomycorrhiza often found in plants hard / woody, while endomikoriza found in many plants, either woody plants or not. Mycorrhiza live symbiotically on the roots of plants. Mycorrhizae play a role in dissolving P and helps the absorption of P by plants. In addition bermikoriza plants are also generally more resistant to drought. Examples of mycorrhizae are often found is Glomus sp and sp Gigaspora.Some soil microbes are also able to produce plant hormones that can stimulate plant growth. Hormones produced by microbes would be absorbed by the plants so that the plants will grow faster or bigger. Groups of microbes that are able to produce plant hormones, among others: Pseudomonas sp and Azotobacter sp.Soil microbes that are beneficial to dissolve nutrients, helps absorption of nutrients, and stimulate plant growth is formulated in a special carrier material and used as biofertilizer for organic farming. Results of research conducted by IBRIEC get that biofertilizer at least be able to supply more than half the crop nutrient needs. Biofertilizer developed by IBRIEC include: Gold, Rhiphosant, Kamizae, and Simbionriza.

Biocontrol Agents

Pests and plant diseases is one of the serious obstacles in the cultivation of organic agriculture. The types of plants that used to be protected by chemical pesticides such as the types of hybrids, generally very rentah against pests and diseases when cultivated with organic systems. Its true nature has provided a natural protection mechanism. In nature there are microbes that can control pathogenic organisms. Microbe or pathogen will attack plants when there is an imbalance between the population of microbial pathogens with the controller. Here the number of pathogenic organisms greater than the number of microbes controller. If we can menyeimbangakan population of both types of these organisms, the plant pests and diseases can be avoided.

Microbes that can control crop pests include: Bacil thurigiensis (BT), Bauveria bassiana, Paecilomyces fumosoroseus, and Metharizium anisopliae. These microbes are able to attack and kill various insects which become pests. Microbes that can control plant diseases for example: Trichoderma sp. Trichoderma sp able to control plant diseases caused by Gonoderma sp, JAP (white root fungus), or Phytoptora sp.

Applications in Organic Farming

Microbial biotechnology products almost exclusively use natural materials. These products can meet the needs of organic farmers. The need for soil organic matter and plant nutrients can be filled with bioactive compost and compost activator. Biofertilizer application in organic farming can supply the nutrient needs of plants that have been met from chemical fertilizers. Pests and plant diseases can be controlled by using biokotrol.

So far, farmers Indonesia to implement organic farming systems rely on compost and tend to let pests and plant diseases. With the availability of microbial-based biotechnology, organic farmers do not have to worry about the problem of availability of organic matter, nutrients and pests and plant diseases.

Benefits of Banana for Health, Beauty, Pregnancy

Banana is one kind of plant that is widely available in Indonesia. In almost every region in Indonesia there is always a banana tree. Besides the fruit that can be consumed, some parts of the banana tree can also be used as food ingredients. One of them is the heart. Banana leaves are also commonly used by the community as a packing material.

Banana contains many nutrients such as potassium and folic acid are both consumed by pregnant mothers to help fetal development.

Nutrition Bananas 

The banana is one type of fruit that are beneficial to health because it helps the body retain calcium reserves, nitrogen, and phosphorus, which are all useful for building repair and regeneration of tissue. Bananas are also rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex, vitamin C, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium.

Bananas For Health Benefits 

One of the most important benefits of bananas is to overcome digestive disorders, such as smooth bowel movement and treat stomach ulcers. Bananas are able to neutralize stomach acid, to reduce the irritation caused by the ulcer by coating the lining of the stomach is unique. This makes the banana as the fruit is safe to eat ulcer patients.

1. Mask Bananas Treat Acne

Mash bananas meat that has been cooked or yellowing taste, then apply on the skin with acne. Let stand for a few moments, then wash. Repeat for several days until the acne is gone and the skin clean.

2. Mask Bananas Smooth Skin

Additionally, for those who have problems with rough and dry skin, flesh bananas can be a solution. How, mash bananas and add one tablespoon of honey. Use it as a mask on the face that problem. Feel how the skin will turn out to be smooth and soft.

3. Rich in vitamins and fiber

Bananas have more than double the carbohydrate and five times the vitamin A than apples known as fruit antidote doctor visits. Bananas are also rich in potassium.

4. Source of Energy

By eating two bananas a day, can increase endurance and increase energy while performing daily activities.

5. Transporting oxygen to the brain

Because it is rich in potassium, bananas helps the circulation of oxygen to the brain and also prevents high blood pressure and stroke.

6. Smooth defecation

For those who often have difficulty defecating, Eat bananas. It helps mengembalikkan the smooth disposal of the rest of the body.

7. Improve mood

Bananas help meningatkan mood so stable and keep a positive mood throughout the day.

8. Reduce Menstrual Pain

For women who often experience pain during menstruation, do not need to take drugs or substances harmful to the body. Only with this fruit, cramps in the abdomen and pain in the abdomen can be reduced.

9. Treat heartburn

When a late meal and stomach had started stinging, eat bananas and pain caused by the ulcer will soon be reduced because the banana has a substance known antidote acid in the body.

10. Reduce the itching caused by mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are very annoying, and itching can be lost when the banana peel is applied slowly to the areas affected by mosquito bites.

11. Heal Burns

The way is by mashing ripe bananas until mushy, and spread in the area of ​​the fire or injury to relieve the pain. Then wrapped with linen bandages for best results.

12. Benefits Bananas for Pregnant Women

Besides being rich in potassium, bananas also contain folic acid. Folic acid contained bananas are also very good for the growth of the fetus, so it is advisable for pregnant women to consume this fruit.