Nutrition and Benefits of Mango

Mangoes or mango is a fruit that is very popular in Indonesia. Mangoes including type of fruit that has many varieties because it is now cultivated. Several varieties of mango seed is among Mango Cotton Candy, Gedong, Puppet, and Manalagi

Function of Nutrition for Microorganisms

Each nutrients has its own role in cell physiology. The elements given to the medium as inorganic salt cations whose numbers different depending on the needs.

Milk Protein

Proteins are chains of amino acid molecules through a peptide bond. There are many types of proteins and each has a specific amino acid sequence. There are 22 types of amino acids that can combine to form protein chains.

Microbiology and Biochemistry of Tape

A. Rouxii mold can hydrolyze starch into sugars. All existing sugar is sugar reduction. A. rouxii also produces alcohol up to 0.92% after 45 hours of fermentation. The use of mixed cultures of A. rouxii and S. fibuliger produce a tape with a higher alcohol content but lower sugar content and do not have a strong aroma tape.

Nutrient and Benefits of Tempe for Healthy

empe is a special food that is often underestimated. This is because not many people know about the privilege of tempeh. Whereas in tempe there are many nutrients that are good for health.Well, in this article I will discuss about the nutritional content and health benefits of tempeh for

Selasa, 19 Januari 2016

Microbiology and Biochemistry of Tape

A. Rouxii mold can hydrolyze starch into sugars. All existing sugar is sugar reduction. A. rouxii also produces alcohol up to 0.92% after 45 hours of fermentation. The use of mixed cultures of A. rouxii and S. fibuliger produce a tape with a higher alcohol content but lower sugar content and do not have a strong aroma tape. In another part of the mixture of three organisms are A. rouxii, S. fibuliger and H. anomala produce the expected aroma.Biochemical changes that are important in the fermentation of starch hydrolysis menajdi tape is glucose and maltose which will provide sweetness and changes the sugar into alcohol and organic acids.Changes in alcohol content during storage may occur after two days of 3% to 5.2%. However, if the tape is stored at low temperature (70C) fermentation is ongoing but slower and sensory still good for up to two weeks.

A. rouxii combination with E. burtonii able to reduce the total solids sticky tape up to 50% within 192 hours at a temperature of 300C and improves protein to 16.5%, but it also produced isobutanol, amyl alcohol, and isoamilalkohol.The number of amino acids during the fermentation decreased, as much as 17.5% glutamic acid, lysine 11%, and 9.8% tyrosine, while thiamine rose from 0.04 mg / 100 g to 0.1 mg / 100 g when used A. rouxii and 0.12 mg / 100g when combined with E. burtonii.In general, cassava has a composition of water 56-69%, 3% ethanol, pH 4.38 to 4.75, total acid 0.63 to 0.89%, 1.4% protein, 0.3% fat, carbohydrate 40 , 2%, 2% crude fiber, and ash content of 0.7%.

Milk Protein

Proteins are chains of amino acid molecules through a peptide bond. There are many types of proteins and each has a specific amino acid sequence. There are 22 types of amino acids that can combine to form protein chains. 9 amino acids in the human body can not be made the body and must be obtained from diet. These amino acids are called essential amino acids.

Amino acids in the protein chain can form crosslinks making three-dimensional structures. If the bond is broken for example by heat, the damage can not be recovered and is known as the denaturation of proteins. Denaturation of proteins often expected in processing because it makes easily digested by digestive enzymes.

Milk protein contains a total of 3.3%. Milk protein containing all nine essential amino acids the human body needs. There are two main categories of milk proteins are distinguished in terms of chemical composition and physical properties. Family casein containing phosphorus and be coagulated or precipitated at pH 4.6. Serum proteins do not contain phosphorus and protein remains in solution at pH 4.6. Sapai 82% in milk is casein milk protein and 18% is serum or whey protein.

The family consists of several types of casein (a-s1, a B-s2, b and c) and each has the amino acid composition and functions are different. Casein suspended in milk in a complex called micelles. High phosphate content in casein associated with calcium phosphate salt so that the milk becomes a source of calcium in the diet. Kappa casein micelles contained in the outer part.

Serum proteins consisting of 50% b-lactoglobulin, a-lactalbumin 20%, albumin, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, trasferin and a small portion of proteins and enzymes. Whey does not contain phosphorus but sulfur-containing amino acids that form a disulfide bond. If the bond is damaged then undergo denaturation of proteins.

Whey function is not so clear. Lactoglobulin is known as a carrier for vitamin A. It is interesting turns lactoglobulin is not present in breast milk. Lactalbumin role in the synthesis of lactose in the milk glands. Immunoglobulin role in the immune system in humans belumdiketahui livestock being definitively. Lactoferrin and transferrin plays an important role in iron adsorption.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2016

Function of Nutrition for Microorganisms

Each nutrients has its own role in cell physiology. The elements given to the medium as inorganic salt cations whose numbers different depending on the needs. Several classes of microbes for example diatomaceous and certain algae require silica (Si) that is usually given in the form of silicate to prepare the cell wall. Functions and needs of Natrium (Na) for some yet unknown number of bodies. Natrium levels were somewhat higher required by certain bacteria that live in the sea, blue green algae, and photosynthetic bacteria. Natrium can not be replaced by other monovalent cations.The bodies of living can use their food in the form of solid or liquid (solution). The bodies that can be used in solid foods classified as type holozoik, while those using food in liquid form holofitik classified type. Holofitik bodies can also be used in the form of solid food, but the food must be digested first outside the cell with the help of extracellular enzymes. Digestive outside the cell is known as extracorporeal digestion.Food ingredients used by living bodies can serve as a source of energy, the building blocks of cells, and as acceptors or electron donors. In the outline of foodstuffs are divided into seven categories: water, energy sources, carbon source, a source of electron acceptor, mineral resources, growth factors, and a source of nitrogen.


Water is a major component of microbial cells and medium. Funsi water is a source of oxygen for respiration of organic material in the cell. The water serves as a solvent and means of transport in the metabolism. 

Energy sources 

There are several sources of energy for microbes that organic or inorganic compounds that can be oxidized and light, especially sunlight. 

Carbon source

Carbon source for the microbes can take the form of organic and inorganic compounds. Organic compounds include carbohydrates, fats, proteins, amino acids, organic acids, organic acid salts, polyalcohols, and so on. Inorganic compounds eg carbonates and CO2 which is the main carbon source, especially for higher plants. 

Source electron acceptor 

Biological oxidation process is a process of retrieval and transfer of electrons from the substrate. Because the electrons in the cells are not in free form, then there must be a substance that can capture the electron. Catcher electrons is called an electron acceptor. Electron acceptor is an oxidizing agent. On the microbes that can serve as an electron acceptor is O2, organic compounds, NO3, NO2, N2O, SO4 =, CO2, and Fe 3+. 

Mineral resources

Minerals are part of the cell. The main building blocks of cells is C, O, N, H, and P. other mineral elements needed cells is K, Ca, Mg, Na, S, Cl. Mineral elements used in very small amounts is Fe, Mn, Co, Cu, Bo, Zn, Mo, Al, Ni, Va, Sc, Si, Tu, etc. are not needed bodies. Elements that are used in a large number of so-called macro elements, a moderate amount of oligo elements, and a very small amount of micro elements. Micro elements often are as follow (impurities) in salt macro elements, and can fit into a medium through glass contamination place or through dust particles.In addition to functioning as a constituent of the cell, mineral elements also serves to regulate the pressure Osmose, concentration of H + ions (acidity, pH) and oxidation-reduction potential (redox potential) medium. 

Growth factors

Growth factor is an organic compound that is indispensable for growth (as a precursor, or a constituent material of cells) and these compounds can not be synthesized from simple carbon sources. Growth factors often called substances grows and is only required in very small amounts.Based on the structure and functions in metabolism, growth factors are classified into amino acids, as the building blocks of protein; purine and pyrimidine base, as a constituent of nucleic acids; and vitamins as prosthetic groups or active part of the enzyme. 

Nitrogen source

Microbes can use nitrogen in the form of ammonium, nitrate, amino acids, proteins, and so on. Nitrogen compound type used depends on the type of body. Some microbes can use the nitrogen in gas form N2 (nitrogen) air. These microbes are called nitrogen-fixing microbes.